…….as 2015 draws to a close!
New Reality No. 1 – Funding
The challenge of funding all the Lord has called us to here is becoming more and more difficult as costs here continue to spiral with high inflation, high obligatory salary increases and the legal obligation to pay 15 months pay every 12 months (the extra 3 being payable with the December months pay)
We are closing our Mid Year Boost 2015 campaign at the end of this month having raised 67% of our original £12,500 target. A huge THANK YOU to those who have already given!
Please click on this link to make a contribution or on either button at the top of this page: http://campaign.justgiving.com/charity/ywambolivia/oprestboost2015
During this year we have seen six of our staff leave us for personal reasons, and have not been able to replace them. This stretches the remaining staff to the limit, to adequately cover all the work which still continues.
New Reality No. 2 – Availability of Drugs
Not only the number of street children increasing, but due to the ever increasing availability of hard drugs on the streets of Santa Cruz we are seeing that those becoming addicted to such drugs are getting younger and younger, with 12 and 13 year olds already with serious habits. This is causing us to re-evaluate our reception phase in El Toborochi, to see how we can better prepare the youngsters before they move to our restoration homes.
News Brief
For those of you who keep up with our news through Facebook, you will already know that Roselin (now aged 14) is back with us and hopefully will gain sufficient stability in El Alfarero for Social Services to allow her to recover her baby, Carla, who she had while with us earlier this year, and who, at present, is in another home.
We have seen both Erick and Danilo leave El Camino in the last weeks, but have also seen José María aged 14, join us last week. Pray that he will continue to win through his addiction and withdrawal!
We continue to hope and pray, that despite the deeper addiction issues, the children will find a stable home and future with us and all we are able to offer them. However, addiction in such young lives is much harder to overcome.
We would appreciate your continued prayers and support as we see the amazing commitment of our inexhaustible staff team!